I found a comic called "Jughead" at an antique store and made this card using the comic.(アンティークショップで「Jughead」というマンガを見つけて、それを使ってこのカードを作りました。)
It's in full color.
I enjoy it very much.
I think the guy wearing a crown is Jughead.
(たぶん冠をかぶっているのが Jughead です。)
I made this card using a comic found at an antique store.
The title of the comic is Jughead.
(マンガのタイトルは Jughead です。)
I think Jughead is the guy wearing a crown.
(たぶん jughead は冠を被っている人です。)
You might know Jughead.
(あなたは Jughead を知っているかもしれません。)
I didn't know about it until finding the comic at an antique store.
I made this card using the comic.
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